Recently, I was trying to pin point the queries in an application that were causing Sql Server to spike the CPU at 100%. This query was helpful in finding the top offenders.
SELECT creation_time ,last_execution_time ,total_physical_reads ,total_logical_reads ,total_logical_writes ,execution_count ,total_worker_time ,total_elapsed_time ,total_elapsed_time / execution_count avg_elapsed_time ,SUBSTRING(st.text, (qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1 ,((CASE statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text) ELSE qs.statement_end_offset END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS statement_text FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st ORDER BY total_elapsed_time / execution_count DESC;
See this post for more information.
Third Flower My spouse and i have alerady been now delighted that Albert could carry out his reports on account of the concepts he had through your online page. It really is now and again perplexing to only constantly be freely giving techniques which some people c
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
We need a lot more insights like this!